How Canada collaborated with overthrowing Haitian democracy

Thanks to Marguerite Laurent for these links.

Plus, directly from one of her links, these links:

Lies without Borders:
How CIDA-funded 'NGOs' waged a propaganda war to justify Haiti’s 2004 coup

Press for Conversion! magazine, Issue #63 (November 2008)
Published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)

Front Cover (pdf)

Table of Contents & Acknowledgments

Background (pdf)

Demonizing Democracy:
Christianity vs. Vodoun and the Politics of Religion in Haiti

What is Vodoun?

CIDA’S Affinity with Elite and Blindspot for Vodoun (htm)

NCHR-Haiti: A Prime Source of Canadian-funded Lies (htm)

Epithets without Borders // What does Chimère Really Mean? (htm)

“2000 Elections” (pdf)

An Excuse to Destabilize Haiti’s Democracy (htm)

Canadian “NGOs” Aid antiAristide Election Rhetoric (htm)

“Black Friday” (pdf)

Creating the Necessary Pretext Incident (htm)

Video Evidence Reveals True Culprits (htm)

CIDA-funded Propaganda about “Black Friday” (htm)

“Operation Baghdad” (pdf)

Exposing the Big Lie of “Operation Baghdad" (htm)

A Fabrication by the Group of 184 (htm)

Two Human Rights Investigations (htm)

Not the Usual Suspects: Making and Breaking Illusions in Haiti (htm)

Alternatives, to the Truth // Alternatives, to Democracy (htm)

“Aristide’s Departure” (pdf)

Did he Jump or was he Pushed? (htm)

Aristide's so-called Resignation letter // Taken for a Ride (htm)

CIDA-funded “NGOs” Herald Aristide’s “Departure" (htm)

“No Political Prisoners” (pdf)

Mysterious Case of Haiti’s Disappeared Political Prisoners (htm)

Prime Minister Yvon Neptune: CIDA’s Top Political Prisoner (htm)

Why was Sò Anne Imprisoned for 27 Months? (htm)

Back Cover (pdf)
Remembering Marion Dewar (htm)
Stop Ottawa’s Arms Shows! Origins of COAT: 20 Years and Counting! (htm)

The three previous issues of Press for Conversion! also focus on Canada's nefarious role in Haiti:

Issue 62 (May 2008) "Putting the Aid in Aiding and Abetting:
CIDA's Agents of Regime Change in Haiti's 2004 Coup"

Issue 61 (September 2007) "CIDA's Key Role in Haiti's 2004 Coup:
Funding Regime Change, Dictatorship and Human Rights Atrocities, one Haitian 'NGO' at a Time"

Issue 60 (March 2007) "A Very Canadian Coup in Haiti:
The Top 10 Ways that Canada?s Government helped the 2004 Coup and its Reign of Terror"


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