If you're a White male, don't even BOTHER applying for the job. (Uh, that is, unless you live in THIS reality....)

"High school non-completion rate is highest among Aboriginal youth, compared to visible minority and non-racialized youth.

"Among Canadian-born youth aged 15 to 19 in 1996, about three in ten Aboriginal youth did not finish high school, and were not attending school in the past year, compared to less than one in ten among visible minorities.

"Visible minorities generally have higher education levels than either non-racialized groups or Aboriginals.

"In spite of their higher educational attainment, visible minorities still trail behind non-racialized groups with regard to employment and income.

"Compared to non-racialized groups, visible minority and Aboriginals with university education are less likely to hold managerial/professional jobs.

"Foreign-born visible minorities experience g reater education-occupation discrepancies compared to other groups as less than half of those with a university education have high skill level jobs.

"Even though as many visible minorities as nonracialized groups have managerial jobs, most of these visible minorities are self-employed. Aboriginals and foreign-born visible minorities are over-represented in the lowest income quintile and they are under-represented in the highest income quintile.

"Given the same level of education, non-racialized groups, whether foreign-born or Canadian-born, are three times as likely as Aboriginal peoples and about twice as likely as foreign-born visible minorities to be in the top 20% income distribution. Moreover, even if they are born in Canada, visible minorities are still less likely than foreign-born and Canadian-born nonracialized group to be in the top 20% income distribution.

"Even when racial minorities have attained a university level education, they are still less likely than non-racialized groups to be in the top income quintile. About 38 percent of the Canadian-born non-racialized group with a university education were in the top income quintile, compared to 29 percent of Canadian-born visible minorities and 21 percent of foreign-born visible minorities.

"In most cases, the earnings of Aboriginals and foreign-born visible minorities are lower than Canadian-born non-racialized groups, regardless of region of residence, field of educational study, age, or gender. Foreign-born visible minorities earned, on average, about 78 cents for every dollar earned by a foreign-born non-racialized person."


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