TONIGHT ON THE TERRORDOME: Lester K Spence on the Obama-Wright Moment
6 PM Mountain Time
The recent controversy surrounding Barack Obama and Reverend Jeremiah Wright has opened up innumerable discussions outside and inside the American Afrikan community regarding who has a right to say what, and who has a right to consort with whom.
So far,
According to Mother Jones magazine: “Senator John McCain hailed as a spiritual adviser … Ohio megachurch pastor [Televangelist Rod Parsley] who has called upon Christians to wage a ‘war’ against the ‘false religion’ of Islam with the aim of destroying it.”
(Thanks to Swamp Politics for the link on media hypocrisy.)
Of course, in a society that once claimed legal ownership over an entire segment of the human population, it shouldn’t be surprising that some descendents of the owning class still believe they have affinity rights over the descendents of the group that was once in the owned class.
Prominent Afrikan politicians and candidates in
The man just off-centre of the controversy is Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., who since 1972 has preached at
The phrase ‘Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian’ was coined by Rev. Wright’s predecessor, and shortly after Wright’s ministry began, the phrase became the church’s motto. Under Wright’s stewardship, the church has grown from 87 members to over 6,000, and has included Oprah Winfrey among its parishioners. Wright has lectured at universities and seminaries across the
Much of the furor around Reverend Wright’s comments is focused on two phrases: “the chickens are coming home to roost,” and “God damn
Reverend Jeremiah Wright – video clip posted on AlterNet by Erikka
Commenting on this crisis—or opportunity—for Obama is Lester Kenyatta Spence, a 39-year old
Spence's work has appeared widely, including in The Washington Post, The Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, Black Voices, The American Journal of Political Science, Political Analysis, The WEB Dubois Review, The National Political Science Review, and Political Research Quarterly. He’s been a guest on C-Span, PBS, and talk-radio across the
An increasingly prominent public intellectual, Professor Spence brings far-ranging consciousness and academic vigour to wide-ranging topics such as Black Nationalism, pop culture and Black bourgeois attempts to co-opt hip hop culture and activism. Check out his blog Bloodied but Unbowed (which is now in the Top Links section at the left).
Obama’s response to his pastor’s commentary—and the various reactions to it across the
And now it’s time for another installment of our semi-regular feature on The Terrordome called The Pan-Afrikanist’s Library, in which I ask people from here and people from afar, jus’ folks and famous folks, about their favourite books by writers from any nation of the Afrikan Planet.
Today’s entry in the library is courtesy of
The sad part is that McCain was a moderate on this issue, he condemned Falewell as as an agent of intolerance but then when it came time for Republican primaries he embraced him. While I certainly don't agree with the knee jerk anti-Americanism of most Black nationalists, at least they aren't dangerous like the Evangelicals who I would argue are more truly anti-American than any Reverend Wright.