TONIGHT ON THE TERRORDOME: Greg Palast on Voting Fraud, Iraq and Bush Imperialism
6 PM CJSR FM-88.5 Edmonton In 2000, the res ults of the American presidential election hinged not, as many critics charged, on the candidacy of Ralph Nader. The actual axis was racial profiling in voting. Thousands of African-American voters were purged from voter lists without their k nowledge and did not find out until they arrived to vote. In other cases, thousands of ballots fro m majority African-American voting precincts were simply not counted. In 2004, touch-screen elect ronic voting machines manufactured by Diebold, a company linked to the Republic party, helped deliver the White House to George W. Bush. I n each case, substantial evidence pointed to the theft of the ele ction, events which obviously shaped the world for the last six and a half years. Yet corporate press ignored the vast body of evidence, in fact dismissing those concerned about it as “conspiracy nuts.” It remains fascinating that corporate journalism is dominated by what should be called “...