Stop killing my brothers

Democracy Now! says: "Killing of Michael Sandy Condemned"

"In other news from New York, the brutal killing of Michael Sandy was condemned yesterday at a rally at city hall. Sandy, who was a black gay man, died on Friday after he was beaten to death by four white men. He met one of the men on a gay Internet chat room. Speakers at yesterday’s rally included Leticia James, member of the New York City Council.

"Leticia James [said]: 'Michael Sandy's quote on his AOL profile stated the following: a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Today we gather here because we refuse to walk out on Michael Sandy. We refuse to walk out on Kevin Aviance, Rashawn Brazell, Dwan Prince, and Sakia Gunn. Michael was attacked and killed because he was young, gifted, gay and black. He was intentionally lured to a site and savagely beaten.'"

Brother Keith Boykin weighs in here.

Let us, as a people, demand justice for our murdered brother--and all our people lynched for their colour or their sexual orientation. Whether the killers are White (as they are in this case), or the Black devotees of "fyah music," let us condemn this depravity and fight against it--by any means necessary.


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