Media accused liberals of politicising King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral

"Following civil rights leader Coretta Scott King's February 7 funeral, numerous media figures highlighted the purportedly 'partisan' nature of the event, in some cases describing it as a 'Democratic pep rally,' a 'Bush bashathon' and a 'Democratic convention.'

"The controversy stems primarily from tributes delivered by civil rights activist Rev. Joseph Lowery and former President Jimmy Carter, which included a reference to prewar intelligence failures in Iraq and what many interpreted as Carter's reference to President Bush's warrantless domestic surveillance program.

"But many of those same media figures accusing speakers of politicizing the King funeral did not show the same aversion to the politicization of the 2004 death of a figure of a different political stripe: former President Ronald Reagan. Nor did they apparently think it worth noting that the Reagan funeral included no Democratic speakers, but a long roster of Republicans, including President Bush, who was running for re-election and was reportedly trying to attach himself to the Reagan legacy."

Read the entire article here.


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