Wait for it... the sexy Bin Ladin?

"...aspiring pop star Wafah Dufour walks into the media lunch hub Michael’s, in Midtown Manhattan. Ms. Dufour passes by Anna Wintour, the editor-in-chief of Vogue, who is lunching with designer Isaac Mizrahi, then stops at the next table to meet former Sony Music chairman Tommy Mottola and NBC head Jeff Zucker.

“'You know Wafah bin Ladin?'” Valvo asks the men loudly.

“'Wafah Dufour,'” she snaps, shooting him a look that’s more pleading than hostile.

"The niece of the man who orchestrated the destruction of the World Trade Center seventy-eight blocks to the south has a point. After September 11, the name bin Laden turned radioactive, borderline satanic-by-association. It made her feel cursed, presumed guilty—made her wonder if it might keep her from ever getting a record deal. So she took her mother’s maiden name, Dufour, which makes for a better first impression, even though the bin Laden taint is always there."

And here's what the BBC says.


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