Aaron McGruder vs. Condoleezza Rice

"There are two things people really want to know about the cartoonist Aaron McGruder. The first is precisely what he said to Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, at an awards ceremony three years ago.... Beforehand, McGruder had told anyone who would listen that Rice was a mass murderer (it was not long after the invasion of Afghanistan) and that he would have no qualms about telling her so to her face. 'I had a brief encounter with her and I knew I had to say something. I said something like: "I don't want you guys to kill me so I'm just going to mind my own business." I was eminently aware when I met Condi that she could make my whole family disappear. I have never been fearless. I've always had a healthy fear of this government.

"The second is precisely how a young, left-wing African-American has managed to sell the Boondocks, a syndicated cartoon strip that combines the messages of black power and liberal-left politics, blended with hip-hop humour, to more than 300 newspapers."


Anonymous said…
Left-Wing, right-wing or middle of the road, Aaron is a genius when it comes to his decision to bring the Boondocks to the small screen. One of the funniest shows on television.

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