Min. Farrakhan & the Million Man March II - from Amiri Baraka's and from a progressive Jewish perspective

Br. Amiri Baraka, the famed playwright, poet and Africentric activist, writes of the need to establish in the US a functional, powerful, Afrikan "Left Caucus" in the wake of the Millions More Movement march scheduled for next Saturday, Oct. 15 in Washington DC (ten-year anniversary of the MMM), . I couldn't agree more, Br. Amiri.

Meanwhile, Lenni Brenner, in a fascinating discussion in Counterpunch, discusses Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Millions More Movement march, opposition to Zionism, advocacy of Afrika and a host of other issues.

The man gives a fairly balanced accounting. People who hate Farrakhan without knowing anything of him except the propaganda against him should give the article a reading. There are a few errors of fact, exaggerations and noteworthy omissions, but I'd definitely give the article a B+.

For an excellent discussion of Farrakhan and the NOI, from a surprisingly fresh perspective, see the book by Scandinavian professor Mattias Gardell, In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.


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