Why should anyone trust the Canadian Green Party?

Did the BC Greens put the Liberals back into office? So asks the fine online daily The Tyee.

Murray Dobbin of the Council of Canadians demonstrates that the federal Green Party, now led by a Blue Tory, is really a turquoise party. Believe them when they say they’re not left, but don’t buy that they’re not right. Dobbin writes that under the leadership of former Tory Jim Harris, “the Greens have become the quintessential small government, pro-market party. Their social analysis says virtually nothing about the structural causes of poverty, and their solutions borrow from both the former PCs and the Alliance. They talk about how a Green government would ‘enhance the existing network of... school nutrition... and food-bank programs...’ to eliminate hunger in Canada.”

Joan Russow, the former leader of the Greens, wrote last year, “I left the Green Party because... [a]s its former leader, I have become increasingly disappointed with the development of the Green Party of Canada and its loss of broader socialist concerns, its weakened opposition to militarism, its proposals for reduced government, and its ‘market-based’ environmentalism. However, it was only after I was asked by the media to compare the Green Party platform with the NDP platform that I realized how much the platform has changed since I was the leader.”

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