NOW READ THIS! Ten Amazing People Talk About the Amazing Books They Love, Part A (MF GALAXY 019)
On the previous episode, we heard all about the controversial Bradford Reading Challenge . It shouldn’t be controversial at all, of course. Author, tech-reviewer, and fandom activist K. Tempest Bradford suggested in an opinion piece that readers should branch out beyond the extremely typical, self-imposed restriction of straight, White, able-bodied, and presumably English-speaking male authors. That’s right: thanks to the educational and media systems and cultures of Canada and the United States, that author category is default for way, way, way too many readers. So how about, said Bradford, for one year, open up your minds and eyes to encounter the whole universe of writers beyond? To hear all about the outrageous and even vicious backlash Bradford got for suggesting people read books to make themselves happy, download episode 18 of MFGALAXY from iTunes. But tonight, let’s pick up the Bradford Reading Challenge ourselves, and hear suggestions from: Canada Reads host...